Thursday, March 31, 2016

Swollen Eyelids

Swollen Eyelids: Causes and Treatment

A swollen lid happens once there's inflammation or excess fluid (edema) within the connective tissues close the attention. Swollen eyes will be painful and non-painful, and have an effect on each the higher and lower eyelids.

There area unit varied causes of a swollen eye, together with eye infections, eye injuries or trauma, and, most typically, allergies.

Swelling of the eyelids will be an indication of a a lot of serious, probably sight-threatening pathological statelike orbital inflammationhyperthyroidism and ocular herpes.

It's important that you just visit your specialist for a radical eye communicating if your symptoms persist, worsen or modification.

Symptoms of Swollen Eyes

Swelling of the eyelids could be a symptom of associate underlying cause, like hypersensitivity reaction or infection. Swollen eyes typically area unit in the middle of one or additional of the following:

  • Eye irritation, like AN fidgety or rough sensation
  • Excess tear production, leading to watering eyes
  • Obstructed vision (depending on the extent of the swelling)
  • Redness of the lid
  • Red eyes and inflammation of the mucous
  • Eye discharge, or "mattering"
  • Eyelid water less ness or flaking
  • Pain, notably once swollen eyelids are caused by infection

Puffy vs. Swollen Eyes?

The term "puffy eyes" usually is interchangeable with "swollen eyes." Swollen eyes is mostly accustomed describe associate degree response to allergic reaction, infection or injury, whereas "puffy eyes" is additional seemingly accustomed sit down with the external physical characteristic of swollen eyes from water retention, lack of sleep or genetic traits like dark circles underneath the eyes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Snow Blindness

Snow Blindness: How to Prevent Sunburned Eyes

Snow blind — it is a horrifying word. Thankfully, it is a condition that's whole preventable.

Snow sightlessness may be a painful, temporary loss of vision because of overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet light rays. The medical term for snow sightlessness is photo keratitis ("photo" = light; "keratitis" = inflammation of the cornea).

Essentially, snow sightlessness is caused by a sun burnt eye — or additional specifically, a sun burnt tissue layer. And like sun burnt skin, by the time you notice symptoms of snow sightlessnessyou've got already been within the sun too long.

You Don't Need Snow to Become Snow blind

Though icon redness is usually known as snow sightlessness, the condition will (and typically does) occur within the absence of snow.

The terms "snow blind" and "snow blindness" became fashionable as a result of snow is very reflective of actinic radiation. In fact, snow will replicate over eighty p.c of the actinic ray rays that find it. Also, skiing, climbing and snowboarding typically happen at comparatively high altitudes, wherever the sun's actinic ray rays are stronger. Combined, these factors will double your risk of obtaining sun burnt eyes, compared with being outdoors at lower altitudes within the time of year.

But water and white sand are extremely reflective of the sun's ultraviolet radiation rays and increase the chance of snow visual defect.

Television journalist Anderson Cooper old snow-free snow visual defect first-hand some years past once he spent one or two hours on a ship in Portuguese Republic while not specs and complete up "blind for thirty six hours,"per his report of the incident.

After the day within the sun, he aroused from sleep within the middle of the night with symptoms of burning eyes and a sense there was sand or grit in his eyes. "It seems I...sunburned my eyeballs," he same on his program, Anderson Live. "I had no plan you'll try this."

Not solely are you able to become snow blind while not snow — it will happen while not daylight, too! picture in inflammation generally happens from synthetic sources of actinic raylike a welder's torch. although this kind of injury typically is named a "flash burn" of the membrane, the mechanism of action and symptoms square measure noticeably an equivalent as those of snow visual defect.

Sun lamps and tanning booths can also cause picture inflammation and temporary "snow" visual defect if correct eye protection isn't used.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: 

The Cause Of Your Dry Eyes?

Meibomian gland disfunction (MGD) is also one in every of the foremost common eye issues you have ne'er detected of. Its odd-sounding name is perhaps a part of the matter. Another name for MGD is "meibomianitis," that certain is not any easier to remember!
Meibomian ("my-BOH-mee-an") refers to a selected form of organ within the eyelids. they're named when Heinrich Meibom, the German doctor UN agency initial delineate and created drawings of them method back in 1666.

There area unit regarding twenty five to forty meibomian glands within the higher palpebra and twenty to thirty within the lower palpebra. The perform of those glands is to secrete oils onto the surface of the attention. These oils facilitate keep the tears from evaporating too quickly.

Meibomian gland pathology is blockage or another abnormality of the meibomian glands in order that they do not secrete enough oil into the tears. as a result of the tears then evaporate too quickly, MGD may be a leading reason behind dry eye syndrome. It is also related to associate degree palpebra downside known as rubor.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Risk Factors

There square measure many factors which will have an effect on your risk of obtaining glandulae sebaceae disfunction.
Like the risk of dry eyes, the chance of MGD will increase with age. individuals over age forty have a considerably bigger risk of developing it than youngsters or young adults.

Your ethnic background conjointly plays a task. Some studies have found that forty six to sixty nine % of Asian populations in Kingdom of Thailand, Japan and China have sebaceous follicle disfunction. By comparison,different studies have found that solely three.5 to twenty % of whites within the U.S. and Australia have MGD.

Wearing eye makeup is another contributory cause. make-up and different makeup will clog the openings of meibomian glands. this is often very true if you do not totally clean your eyelids and take away all traces of eye makeup before sleep.

Some researchers believe sporting contact lenses conjointly might increase the chance of MGD. however this is often on trial. One investigator estimates the added risk of MGD from lense wear is just regarding five %.

How Is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Detected?

The symptoms of tarsal gland disfunction — red eyes, a gritty feeling, itchy eyes, and blurred vision — area unit nearly constant as those of dry eye syndrome.

Only your specialist will tell as expected if you have got MGD.

One easy technique your doctor may use is to use pressure to your lid and thereby specific the contents of the meibomian glands. observant these secretions typically will change a trained eye care skilled to work out if you have got tarsal gland disfunction.
Recently, a corporation referred to as TearScience developed a diagnostic tool referred to as the Meibomian gland judgethat standardizes the quantity of force used for expressing meibomian glands. victimisation this device might build it easier for your doctor to work out the presence or severity of MGD.

Because Meibomian gland disfunction affects the soundness of the tear film, your doctor conjointly might check the standardamount and stability of your tears.

One common check is termed the tear breakup time (TBUT) checkthis straightforward, painless procedure involves the applying of a little quantity of dye to the tear film on the front surface of your eye. Your doctor then examines your eye with a atomic number 27 blue lightweight (which causes your tears to glow) to visualize however quickly your tear film loses its stability (breaks up) on your eye.

Treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

In the past, the standard treatment suggested for MGD was applying heat compresses to the eyelids, followed by massaging the eyelids. The goal of this treatment was to soften and specific any thickened oil impeding the openings of meibomian glands.

Unfortunately, heat compresses and massage sometimes are not adequate to adequately treat the matter and restore traditional functioning of meibomian glands.